Change the way you think...
and you can change the way you live!

We believe that a good counselor works their way out of a job... one client at a time. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge, tools, guidance, and support that you need to get "unstuck" and move on with life. At Crosspoint Counseling our philosophy of therapy is rooted in Biblical truths and based on sound, empirically-supported treatment modalities. Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will." Our desire is to assist our clients in this transformational process through increased insight and development of practical skills to renew the mind. When we begin to change the old ways of thinking we can begin to live the life God has for us.

Our counselors work with each client to develop a focused treatment plan to address problems efficiently and effectively. We provide counseling to individuals, couples, and families and work with a variety of mental health and personality disorders as well as addictions, relational problems, difficulties associated with grief or loss, and trouble navigating life transitions.

Our Counseling Services


Crosspoint Counseling is dedicated to providing quality services to our clients. Our services include:

Call today to schedule an initial consultation to see if you may benefit from our professional counseling services. Call today.


Human beings are designed to be in relationship. When relationships become strained it can lead to a number of other problems. We specialize in helping clients identify and correct relational problems including:

  • Marital problems
  • Strained parent/child relationships
  • Handling difficult co-workers

Improving relationships may be the key to solving other mental health issues. We can help. Call today.


Depression is the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder. Signs of depression may include:

  • a pervasive sense of sadness
  • low energy levels
  • changes in sleep patterns
  • changes in appetite
  • irritability
  • trouble focusing
  • crying spells
  • withdrawal and isolation

If you are experiencing signs of depression help is available. Call today.


Addiction is no respecter of persons and when it takes hold it can be difficult to escape. Our therapists work with all kinds of addiction issues:

  • alcohol
  • drugs (prescription and illicit)
  • gambling
  • pornography
  • food

We believe a person can be addicted to anything. We teach that with God's help (and a lot of hard work) a person can be truly free from the clutches of addiction. Give us a call, we can help! Call today.


Anxiety manifests in a variety of ways:

  • excessive worry
  • obsessive or intrusive thoughts
  • an inability to relax
  • a debilitating phobia
  • post traumatic stress
  • panic attacks

Society often makes light of anxiety related disorders but to those who are struggling with these mental health issues it is no laughing matter. Help is available and therapy may provide the relief you are looking for. Call today.


Loss is inevitable. It is normal to grieve. Sometimes, however, failure to successfully navigate the grief process may lead to:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • substance abuse
  • relational problems
  • lost productivity

If you have experienced a significant loss and are struggling to make it through the day our counselors may be able to help. We can listen. You don't have to face it alone. Give us a call to schedule a consultation. Call today.

Life is a journey and occasionally we need help to navigate the difficult passages.

We have counselors available by appointment during the day and evening hours. We will work to find an appointment that is convenient for you.

Call Crosspoint Counseling today to schedule your consultation.
(903) 871-5017

Help is available. Fill out the form below for more information or to schedule an appointment.